
She Lost 85 Pounds and She Wants to Share Her Secret With The World!

Kira Hathaway is struggling with excess weight since childhood, and after losing her dream job, she begun to drown the sadness in the sweets and the pounds were just piling up. Being a baker by profession, she was surrounded by sweet delicacies  all the time- but still managed to lose 40 pounds and she wants to tell everyone how.

She started consuming a lot of ice cream, sweets, and all the other processed food after losing her job. Then for the first time in a long time stepped on the scale and when she realized that she had extra 100 kg.

At this moment she went for a walk – it marked the beginning of her weight loss. Soon she realized that the emotional overeating is the cause of her overweight and if you want to lose weight, you must cope with problems the ‘healthy’ way.

At one workshop she learned she did not have to obsessively count calories, but must focus on the nutritional value of the food we put into the body.

“I used to eat three square meals a day!” she says.

For two years she lost 40 pounds, and this is advice she would like to share with all who have problems with overweight:

  • Identify the cause of your overeating. Until you know what problem makes you eat too much you will not successfully lose weight because the stubborn pounds will always come back.
  • Follow the method 3 + 2 (3 big meals a day and 2 small). You will always be fed throughout the day and you will not feel the need for additional food.
  • Stop counting calories on the label and concentrate on the counting of nutrients. 
  • It is much more important and as long as your diet is healthy, which combined with physical activity and exercise, you will make you lose weight.
  • It is so helpful to have someone take pictures of you while you perform strength training. This gives you a chance to critique and improve your form!
  • Locate support. Entrust to friends and family so that they may be able to support you during weight loss. Sometimes people improperly react in certain situations because of lack of understanding.
  • Treat yourself to food you love. However, do not call it ‘cheating on a diet’. It is not evil; it is there to help you to be as healthy and at the same time to enjoy. 
  • So treat yourself to one ‘free’ meal a week and move on.
  • Do not avoid sweets. It took me a long time to learn to control my addiction to sugar. Now I understand that everyone needs something sweet sometimes. It is important to find a balance between the need and intake of sweets.