
Cranberry Juice to Lose Belly Fat

Everyone feels like they want to lose belly fat! Not only can it look unattractive, but it can be dangerous for your health, leading to diabetes, high blood pressure
fatty liver diseases, heart diseases including stroke and dementia, and more.

Some of the causes of belly fat are genetics, weak metabolism, hormonal changes, stress or hypertension, poor posture, overeating etc. There are many remedies that are effective in helping you to lose the fat if you are eating the right food and doing some physical exercises regularly.

Cranberries contain organic acids such as malic acid, citric acid and the quinic acid that act as digestive enzymes. They will act as emulsifying agents on your stubborn fat.


Cranberry juice (Unsweetened) – 1 cup (or) 8 Oz
Water – 56 oz (or) 7 cups


1-Mix cranberry juice and water.
2-Drink one cup first thing in the morning and continue throughout the day.
3-You can also make cran water by mixing 2 tablespoons of cranberry juice in 7 Oz of normal water.