It was made by the nutritionist Cynthia Sass. The drink was
named by its creator and it is very good for refreshing and vitalizing,
includes minimal calories, acts therapeutically on the body, reduces down
turgidity and tones down the digestive system.
to Cynthia, this drink will help you to reduce your waist by 5 Inches within 4
The fact
that the human body requires 8 glasses of water in order to function normally
inspired Cynthia to make the Sassy water. The amount of 8 glasses is
orientation because the need for liquids ranges from one person to another
depending on the body activities.
This is why
through the 4 crucial days, when the flat stomach diet is started, it is
advised to drink the whole portion prescribed by the recipe. You will also need
to eat fruit and vegetables that include large amounts of water.
hydration of the body balances the levels of body liquids and fights against
constipation and turgidity of intestines.
If you like
this regime to be successful, you shouldn’t eat sweets, snacks, oily and
caloric food through these 4 days. You should eat healthy foods, smaller
portions of meals and have enough body activities. The process of making the
sassy water and its serving will remind you that the things for you will be
changed and you will concentrate on your goal: achieving flat stomach for good!
- 8 glasses of water (if you are drinking more water, then you can add the desired amount)
- 1 teaspoon of crushed ginger root
- 1 fresh medium sized cucumber, sliced in fine slices
- 1 lemon of medium size, sliced in fine slices
- 12 leafs of green peppermint
- Mix all the ingredients in a pitcher and keep the mixture in the fridge through the night.
- Strain it.
- After waking up you can drink from this mixture. Consume it through the day and make another one in the evening.
this mixture in the next 4 days and you will have great results.
Once you
have tried this method, you will love this drink and you will drink it every
day like a substitution of water.
source : healthylifecentar